Skrill News blog archive

What effects do Trump’s comments and opinions, voiced on Twitter and elsewhere, actually have on the strength of the dollar? Skrill looks at the President’s more controversial moments.
cropped eye from us dollar banknote
Investing in the USD: How Trump affects the dollar’s strength
As casinos battle to deliver the most immersive gaming experience, the allure of virtual reality (VR) poker is increasing. See how this new take on the game could change how you play poker online.
Man wearing VR glasses and holding cards
Virtual reality poker: bringing a classic game to a new audience
Renowned as one of the most challenging games available, improving in Starcraft 2 can seem overwhelming. Learn how to improve your play with these five tips.
fight scene from a game
How to master your gameplay in Starcraft 2
Moving abroad is an exciting new challenge, but knowing what to prioritise when you arrive can be hard. This short read will help you get organised.
man with a suitcase at the airport
What to Prioritise when Moving Abroad
We look beyond World of Warcraft to find the best MMORPGs of 2018, from the innovative Riders of Icarus to physics-based fun in Worlds Adrift.
The best MMORPGs of 2018: 10 games you won’t want to put down
Learn how to find the best advice for picking forex strategies without getting caught up in scams and bad advice.
forex chart
Learning forex strategies: Separating bad advice from good
When sending money abroad it’s important to get the best exchange rate. Find out how to compare online money transfer services to know whose rates are cheapest.
exchange rate board
How to get the best exchange rate when you send money abroad
Getting to grips with the basics of forex trading? Follow this guide on how to read forex charts and predict future price rises or falls, just like the pros do.
many currencies on dark background
How to read forex charts like a pro