Get a year of Skrill
Prepaid Mastercard®
on us
We’ll refund your annual card fee as a thank-you for your loyalty. Scroll down to find out how you can save €10.
How to take advantage?
- Have at least €10 in your account to cover your annual fee.
- Ensure you have an active Skrill Mastercard.
- Make at least 3 transactions using your Mastercard, and we’ll refund your annual fee by 12 January 2025.
Earn cashback worldwide
Pay with your Skrill Mastercard
and access the best deals year-round
with the Mastercard Travel Rewards Program.
Spend with your Mastercard
and get rewarded
Pay with your Skrill
Mastercard online
and in-store worldwide
Visit the Mastercard
Travel Rewards website and access
the best deals 365 days of
the year
Earn automatic cashback in your Skrill
account within 120 days