Naše Obchodní Zkušenost

How do I report suspicious activity?

As soon as you notice something out of the ordinary (such as a suspicious login or unrecognized payment), you should file a report with us. Below you'll find several types of fraudulent activity and how to act in such instances.

Unauthorized transactions within your account

If you suspect that a payment was made from your account without your permission, fill in the dispute form below. You'll need to provide your names, registered email address, transaction ID, reason for the dispute and any additional comments you wish to add.

You can also file a report directly from your account:

  1. Visit the Contact us section and click Contact us;
  2. Under Message us select the Security category;
  3. In the 'I have a problem with' field select 'I would like to dispute a transaction';
  4. Describe the issue and include as many details as possible - transaction ID, date & time, recipient details and anything else you deem relevant.

Payments to merchants

If a suspicious payment was made with your Skrill Prepaid Mastercard®, check out our dedicated article for more details. Remember that if you made a payment at an offline POS terminal (such as on a flight or petrol station), it may take several days or weeks for the transaction to show up in your history. Also, some merchants' names may differ from their actual brand name; double-check with Google to be certain.

For payments made from your account, note that if you have previously provided your card/account details, they may have been saved and re-used for recurring payments or in case of a mistake on the merchant' side. Contact the merchant to resolve the issue.

Keep in mind that there's a difference between an unauthorized transaction (a payment made from your account without your knowledge and/or permission) and a payment you forgot about or made to the wrong person, but authorized yourself.

Unauthorized login or login attempt

If you notice such activity on your account, contact us immediately via one of the available channels below. In the meantime, change your password and PIN code (available only via web browser), if you have access to your account. If not, we'll help you to update your credentials and secure your account.

Suspicious email from Skrill

Sometimes you may receive communication via email, What's App or social media, claiming to be from Skrill. If you're not sure it's genuine, download and send or forward the original message via the contact form below and wait for our reply. We aim to review such requests as quickly as possible but sometimes it may take 24-48 hours for us to respond.

The Skrill Prepaid Mastercard® is available only to residents of authorized European Economic Area (EEA) countries and the UK.

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