Our Business Experience

State licensing

Skrill USA, Inc. ( 1-855-719-2087, Hours of Operation: 9AM to 7PM E.T. , 7 Days/week, NMLS ID: 935195 ) is licensed in the states listed below.  Please select your state to access information on where to file a complaint.

For Alaska Residents Only:

If your issue is unresolved by Skrill USA, Inc., Phone: 1-855-719-2087, please submit formal complaints with the state of Alaska, Division of Banking & Securities. Formal complaints must be in writing, please download the form here: https://www.commerce.alaska.gov/web/portals/3/pub/DBSGeneralComplaintFormupdated.pdf

Formal complaint forms may be submitted via:

1.    Fax: 907-465-1230
2.    Email: msb_licensing@alaska.gov
3.    Mail: Division of Banking & Securities PO Box 110807 Juneau, AK 99811-0807

If you have any questions regarding formal complaints, please call 907-465-2521.

Customers of Skrill USA, Inc. may contact the Arizona Department of Insurance and Financial Institutions with questions or complaints about Skrill USA, Inc’s money transmission services at (602) 771-2800.

If you have complaints with respect to any aspect of the money transmission activities conducted at this location, you may contact the California Department of Financial Protection and Innovation at its toll-free telephone number, 1-866-275-2677, by email at consumer.services@dfpi.ca.gov, or by mail at the Department of Financial Protection and Innovation, Consumer Services, 2101 Arena Boulevard, Sacramento, CA 95834.

  • Statute: Colorado Money Transmitters Act


Entities other than FDIC insured financial institutions that conduct money transmission activities in Colorado, including the sale of money orders, transfer of funds, and other instruments for the payment of money or credit, are required to be licensed by the Colorado Division of Banking pursuant to the Money Transmitters Act, Title 11, Article 110, Colorado Revised Statutes.

If you have a Question about or Problem with YOUR TRANSACTION - THE MONEY YOU SENTyou must contact the Money Transmitter who processed your transaction for assistance. The Division of Banking does not have access to this information.

If you are a Colorado Resident and have a Complaint about THE MONEY TRANSMITTER – THE COMPANY THAT SENT YOUR MONEY

ALL complaints must be submitted in writing. Please fill out the Complaint Form provided on the Colorado Division of Banking’s website and return it and any documentation supporting the complaint via mail or email to the Division of Banking at:

Colorado Division of Banking 1560 Broadway, Suite 975 Denver, CO 80202
email: DORA_BankingWebsite@state.co.us
website: www.dora.colorado.gov/dob

Section 12-52-116, C.R.S. requires that money transmitters and money order companies post this notice in a conspicuous, well-lighted location visible to customers.

For complaints directly to the Florida Office of Financial Regulation, please send correspondence to:

Florida Office of Financial Regulation
Division of Finance
200 E. Gaines Street
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0376

Toll-Free Number: 1-800-848-3792
NOTICE: By the Florida Office of Financial Regulation

By granting Skrill a license, the Florida Office Of Financial Regulation is not endorsing the use of digital or virtual currencies.

• U.S. currency is legal tender backed by the U.S. government.

• Digital and virtual currencies are not issued or backed by the U.S. government, or related in any way to U.S. currency, and have fewer regulatory protections.

• The value of digital and virtual currencies is derived from supply and demand in the global marketplace which can rise or fall independently of any fiat (government) currency.

• Holding digital and virtual currencies carries exchange rate and other types of risk.

• Potential users of digital or virtual currencies, including but not limited to Bitcoin, should be forewarned of a possible financial loss at the time that such currencies are exchanged for fiat currency due to an unfavorable exchange rate. A favorable exchange rate at the time of exchange can result in a tax liability. Please consult your tax advisor regarding any tax consequences associated with your holding or use of digital or virtual currencies.


For complaints directly to the Illinois Division of Financial Institutions, please send correspondence to:

Illinois Division of Financial Institutions
320 West Washington Street, 3rd Floor
Springfield, IL 62786

Toll-Free Number: 1-888-473-4858

If you have complaints or other concerns with respect to any aspect of the money transmitter activities conducted by Skrill USA, Inc. you may contact the Indiana Department of Financial Institutions toll free at 1 -800 -382 -4880.

Skrill USA, Inc. is licensed by the Kentucky Department of Financial Institutions as a money transmitter, but such license does not cover virtual currency (bitcoin) activity.

Skrill USA, Inc. is licensed by the Louisiana Office of Financial Institutions as a money transmitter. The Louisiana Office of Financial Institutions does not license or regulate services related to virtual currency including but not limited to transmission or exchange which may be conducted by Skrill USA, inc.

The Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation does not currently regulate virtual currency (bitcoin) activity as money transmission (or otherwise).

The Commissioner of Financial Regulation for the State of Maryland will accept all questions or complaints from Maryland residents regarding Skrill USA, Inc. (License #935195, NMLS #935195), at:

1100 North Eutaw Street, Suite 611
Baltimore, MD 21201

Toll-Free Number: 1-888-784-0136
Verification of the licensing status of Skrill USA, Inc. may be obtained at www.nmlsconsumeraccess.org.

Skrill USA, Inc. license No.: FT112151-100, license type: Foreign Transmittal Agency.

Skrill USA, Inc. license No.: 935195, license type: Money Transmitter License.

  • License: No license required
  • Regulatory agency: N/A

New Mexico Regulation & Licensing Department
Financial Institutions Division
2550 Cerrillos Road 3rd Floor
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505
Main: (505) 476-4885

Skrill USA, Inc. is licensed and regulated as a Money Transmitter by the New York Department of Financial Services.

After first contacting Skrill USA, Inc., if you still have an unresolved complaint regarding the company's money transmission activity, please direct your complaint to:

Consumer Assistance Unit
NYS Department of Financial Services
One Commerce Plaza
Albany, NY 12257

Toll-Free Number: 1-877-226-5697

Please note the following disclosures associated with virtual currency:

(1) Virtual Currency is not legal tender, is not backed by the government, and accounts and value balances are not subject to Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or Securities Investor Protection Corporation protections;
(2) legislative and regulatory changes or actions at the state, federal, or international level may adversely affect the use, transfer, exchange, and value of Virtual Currency;
(3) transactions in Virtual Currency may be irreversible, and, accordingly, losses due to fraudulent or accidental transactions may not be recoverable;
(4) some Virtual Currency transactions shall be deemed to be made when recorded on a public ledger, which is not necessarily the date or time that the customer initiates the transaction;
(5) the value of Virtual Currency may be derived from the continued willingness of market participants to exchange Fiat Currency for Virtual Currency, which may result in the potential for permanent and total loss of value of a particular Virtual Currency should the market for that Virtual Currency disappear;
(6) there is no assurance that a Person who accepts a Virtual Currency as payment today will continue to do so in the future;
(7) the volatility and unpredictability of the price of Virtual Currency relative to Fiat Currency may result in significant loss over a short period of time;
(8) the nature of Virtual Currency may lead to an increased risk of fraud or cyber attack;
(9) the nature of Virtual Currency means that any technological difficulties experienced by the Licensee may prevent the access or use of a customer's Virtual Currency; and
(10) any bond or trust account maintained by the Licenseefor the benefit of its customers may not be sufficient to cover all losses incurred by customers.


Skrill USA, Inc. Money Transmitter License: OKDOB001

You can contact the Tennessee Department of Financial Institutions with questions or complaints about Skrill USA, Inc’s money transmission services. The phone number for the Tennessee Department of Financial Institutions is 800-778-4215.

Please note that this license and the required surety bond do not cover the transmission of virtual currency. Skrill USA, Inc. is licensed by the Tennessee Department of Financial Institutions as a money transmitter. The Tennessee Department of Financial Institutions does not regulate virtual currency.

Skrill USA, Inc. is licensed under the laws of the State of Texas and by state law is subject to regulatory oversight by the Texas Department of Banking. Any consumer wishing to file a complaint can reach customer assistance at the following toll free number: 1-855-719-2087.

If you still have an unresolved complaint, please contact the Texas Department of Banking through one of the means indicated below:

In Person or U.S. Mail to:

Texas Department of Banking
2601 North Lamar Boulevard
Austin, TX 78705

Toll-Free Number: 1-877-276-5554
Fax Number 512-475-1313
E-mail Address Consumer.complaints@dob.texas.gov
Website Address http://www.dob.texas.gov

Texas customers click here for information about filing complaints about our money transmission service.


Skrill USA, Inc. is licensed by the Virginia State Corporation Commission as a money transmitter, but such license does not cover the transmission of virtual currency (Bitcoin).

If you have a complaint, please contact Skrill USA, Inc. at 1-855-719-2087, or help@skrill.com, or https://www.skrill.com/en-us/support/question/120/how-to-contact-us/. If you still have an unresolved complaint regarding Skrill USA’s money transmission activity, you may file it by contacting the Washington Division of Consumer Services at:

Washington Department of Financial Institutions
Online:  https://dfi.wa.gov/consumers/money-services-complaint
Mail: Fill out the form found here: https://dfi.wa.gov/sites/default/files/money-services-complaint.pdf and mail to the following:
Department of Financial Institutions
Division of Consumer Services
P.O. Box 41200,
Olympia, Washington 98504-1200
Fax: Fill out the form found here: https://dfi.wa.gov/sites/default/files/money-services-complaint.pdf and fax to the following: (306) 596-3868
To contact the Washington Department of Financial Institutions:
Call: (360) 902-8703
Toll-free: 1-877-RING DFI (1-877-746-4334).
Email: CSEnforceComplaints@dfi.wa.gov.


For Puerto Rico Residents Only:

1. Skrill USA, Inc. is licensed by the Puerto Rico Commissioner of Financial Institutions, Regulation and Licensing Division, as a licensed money transmitter, license number TM-042.
2. A schedule of fees that Skrill USA, Inc may charge in connection with the Services may be found here https://www.skrill.com/en-us/siteinformation/fees/.
3. Skrill USA, Inc terms of use can be found here: https://www.skrill.com/en-us/footer/terms-conditions/skrillaccounttermsofuse/.