Our Business Experience

How do I withdraw money by PIX in Brazil?

The PIX withdrawal option lets you transfer money from your Skrill account using a PIX key, without having to share any bank account information.
PIX withdrawals are available exclusively in Brazil. To find out if this option is available to you, go to the Withdraw section of your account or visit our Fees Page.

What is a PIX key?

A PIX key is an alias used to identify your bank account, without having to share personal or banking information with the payer institution.

How do I withdraw money by PIX?

    1. Go to the Withdraw section of your account.
    2. Click PIX.
    3. Add or select an already added PIX key. Upon your first PIX withdrawal, you will be asked to provide your Tax Identification Number. Please have it handy.
    4. Select balance (if applicable), and enter the amount you wish to withdraw.
    5. A summary page with your withdrawal information will appear. To finalize your withdrawal, click Confirm.
Note: You need to be the named holder of the PIX account. 

How many PIX keys can I add to my Skrill account?

You can link up to 10 PIX keys to your account.

Can I delete a PIX key that I no longer use?

You can delete a PIX account at any time.

What are the fees and limits? 

To review your withdrawal limits, go to the Withdraw section of your account, and select PIX.  For the withdrawal fee, go to the Withdraw section of your account or visit our Fees Page.
If the currency of the withdrawal is different from your Skrill account currency, an additional Foreign Exchange fee will be added to the Skrill exchange rates.

How long does it take to receive the money?

PIX withdrawals are instant, however due to technical timeouts, or banking checks, sometimes a PIX withdrawal may take up to one hour to process. If it hasn’t been processed within one hour, please contact us (by filling in the form below).

Why did my withdrawal fail?

There are several reasons why a PIX withdrawal may fail:
•    PIX key is incorrect.
•    Incorrect personal information
•    The transaction is declined by the pay-out partner as their system is not available.
•    The transaction is declined by the client’s bank
•    Temporary technical issue

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