Our Business Experience

What is 'Trusted device' and how to use it?

Trusted Devices are devices that you can request to remember during the authentication process. Setting a device as trusted allows you to sign into your Skrill account from this device without being required to complete an additional security check.

How does it work?

To set a device as trusted, you need to select the Don’t ask me again on this device option on the login page. Next time you sign into your Skrill account from this device, you won't need to pass any additional security checks.

How can I remove a device? (available via web browser only)

    1. Go to Settings > Security > Trusted devices > Manage in your Skrill account. 
    2. Click the recycle bin icon next to the device you would like to remove.
    3. A pop-up window asking you to confirm the removal will appear. Click Delete to confirm the action.

I can't mark my device as 'trusted'. What should I do?

Your browser could be causing technical issues, including if it's an outdated version. Update your browser to its newest version to ensure general safety while browsing and that security fixes are implemented on time: Google ChromeMozilla FirefoxSafari.

Some browsers, like Tor and Brave, use script blocking software to prevent websites you visit from running things like JavaScript for the perceived security benefit of it. Note that while this software is in use, we would not be able to remember your device, so we’ll continue to ask you to confirm your identity via 6-digit codes.

If you're using a script blocking browser extension, it's best to whitelist Skrill.com if possible, or disable the extension as a whole. You can also switch to Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox or Safari, if you're using a browser with such a software already built in.

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