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How do I deposit with PaysafeCash?

With PaysafeCash you can quickly deposit into your Skrill account or pay online. It is easy and accessible, as you don’t need a bank account or credit card. You can pay cash! Payment is made via a barcode at the point of sale nearest to you. Check the PaysafeCash website to find a payment point.

To deposit with PaysafeCash, follow the steps below:

  1. In the Add section of your account click on PaysafeCash.
  2. Enter the desired amount.
  3. A summary of your transaction will appear on the screen. Click Go to PaysafeCash to continue.
  4. You will then be redirected to the PaysafeCash site to complete the payment, where a barcode is generated and available for download, print, or scan. Once done, you select Back to webshop. Alternatively, if you already have an active PaysafeCard account, you can log in with your mypaysafecard credentials.
  5. Go to the nearest point of payment, where the salesperson will scan your barcode. Pay cash.

Click to enlarge.


  • Your PaysafeCash account needs to be registered in the same country as your Skrill account.
  • You will have 72h to complete the transaction at a payment point.
  • You can only deposit in your Skrill wallet using one PaysafeCash account.

How long does a deposit by PaysafeCash take?

The money is credited into your Skrill account as soon as the payment is completed. On some rare occasions, it may take up to 2 working days for your transaction to be processed.

What are the limits and the fees?

The best place to check the limits for any deposit option is the Add section of your account. By clicking on the relevant deposit option, you see your deposit limits in accordance with your account status and deposit tries.

For the deposit fee, please check the Add section of your account or visit our Fees page.
Additional limits may be applied by PaysafeCash depending on the verification status of your account.

Why did my PaysafeCash deposit fail?

There are several reasons which may result in a failed PaysafeCash deposit:

  • your PaysafeCash account is locked for payments
  • you’ve reached the deposit limits of your PaysafeCash account
  • you are trying to use more than one PaysafeCash account with Skrill
  • technical issues 

My PaysafeCash deposit is missing. What should I do?

On the rare occasion that your deposit has not been processed automatically, you will need to wait until the transaction settles, which may take up to a week. 

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