Skrill News blog archive

Are your poker games getting repetitive? Then it’s time you added some spice to the game. Here we have five poker variations that come with exciting twists.
woman playing in a poker tournament
Five types of poker that bring a new dimension of fun
Placing sports bets or playing casino games can be fun, but you need to understand the risks and be aware of how much you’re spending. Remember: you won’t always win.
person gaming on a laptop
4 ways to stay safe when gambling
The latest poker AI has landed, but what are the implications? Our latest blog post explores why this poker bot is not being released.
machine and human fist bump
New poker AI so good it’s not being released
These players are making money gaming with QLASH, sponsored by Skrill. Find out how.
player Lambo
Meet the 20-somethings making a living from gaming
different currencies banknotes
Choosing currency pairs to suit your forex strategy
Final Fantasy XIV is one of the best MMORPGs. Find out about the new expansion pack, Shadowbringers.
Shadowbringers logo
What’s new in the latest Final Fantasy XIV expansion
Where does a loaf of bread cost $16 and a suit cost $2000? Read about the most expensive cities - and how to live there cheaply.
skyscrapers, view from a street
The 6 most expensive cities to live and work in
A badly managed bankroll is one of the major mistakes that online poker players make. Explore the science of bankroll management.
a nine and a Queen cards on a table
The science of bankroll management for online poker