How to exchange foreign currency online
See how to exchange foreign currency online in a fast and convenient way.

How does a prepaid card work?
See the differences between prepaid cards and credit/debit cards and find out how to order your Skrill Prepaid Mastercard®.

Digital payments: What advantages does Skrill offer you?
Do you want a fast, easy and safe way to make digital payments? Learn why Skrill is the most suitable option.

Top altcoins to watch in 2023
The Skrill blog looks at some of the top crypto altcoins to watch in 2023 and the market context critical for their success.

Skrill Digital Wallet: What is it and how does it work?
Skrill, the leading digital wallet for secure and flexible online transactions.

Skrill's monthly crypto recap: March 2023
An overview of the key topics seen in the crypto market for March and Q1 2023. Find out about the key events and how the market responded.

Preventing account takeover fraud
Account takeover fraud is when a cybercriminal gains access to your credentials to steal funds or information. Find out how to prevent account takeovers and what to do if it happens to you.

Spotting social engineering scams
Social engineering scams are a common type of fraud. Learn how to spot and avoid them and find out what to do if you fall victim.

Avoiding money muling
Money muling is a type of fraud that helps criminals launder money. Discover how to spot the signs of money muling and what to do if you become a victim.